What’s in for me?

When did you ever ask that good friend of yours “What’s in for me?”, before you did her that favor? Was there anything in for you? Has you ever benefit from the favors you did?

If you have a group mentality, like the one i grew up in, you probably answered no to most if not all of the above questions.

Growing up in hospitable Ghana teaches values of unity. Sayings like, “Together we stand divided we fall”, made me think of the greater good. I all ways thought that if my neighbor was well, the group would be well. I would help anyone who asked. Sometimes they didn’t have to ask. I would see their need and offer to help. That works in Ghana, the motherland of caring people.

On contrary, Americans say, “Every man for himself God for us all.” America has taught me to be stingy. There are so many people who would lean on you to make themselves better. On the other hand, they will never lend you that helping hand when you need it. Americans do not care about anyone expect themselves. They will screw you ten times over to get whatever they want. HHHmmm… I must say, I have learned this the hard way. And I’m now on the highway to independence.

I will always ask “What is in for me?” To ensure my work on earth is not in vein. This will ensure that I enjoy my work on earth while waiting to enjoy the greater reward in Heaven. After all, there is no free lunch….

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